Book your free seo / social media workshop

Wednesday, 3 August 2016, Wired Sussex, Brighton
Book now

Love your business? Want it to do better? For free?

Sign up for your 45-minute session, delivered by Benedict Adam and Ben Robson, digital marketing experts with over 18 years’ combined experience across almost every sector you can imagine.

You’ll walk away with a fantastic M.I.Scribe graphic recording of your session to pin on your office wall – packed with actionable insights to make your business more successful online.

Sign me up

Register for your free workshop below

I’m afraid all our places have been snapped up this time.

If you’d like a chat with us about how we could help your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch

where and when

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Wired Sussex
The FuseBox
Level 4 North
New England House
New England Street


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your workshop team
Ben Robson

Ben Robson

Co-founder GOAT, experienced in Content, Social and Online PR

Benedict Adam

Benedict Adam

Co-founder GOAT, experienced in SEO, PPC and User Experience

Marcus Pibworth

Marcus Pibworth

Co-founder M.I.Scribe, experienced in graphic recording, visual communication and harvesting ideas

Ieva Anciukeviciute

Ieva Anciukeviciute

Co-founder M.I.Scribe, experienced in graphic recordingusing visuals to share concepts and simplify complex ideas

in association with 

book your slot before it’s too late

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